NT Popup on Admin Area

edited May 2012 in Feature Requests
Our clients demand an IIS 7.5 NT login popup on the admin area. Ofcourse this will mean they will have a double login, but they are ok with that.

Is it possible to have an NT popup on the fuel admin. Its not that simple by adding the file to /fuel/ because the whole framework lies beyond that folder. Is there a folder that i can protect with NT popup that will be called onlyu by the fuel admin?

Thanks in advance.

Gr Joep


  • edited 10:30PM
    I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with IIS NT login popups and may not be of much help. Are they like Apache login popups? Since everything is routed through the index.php bootstrap, I don't know if a setting an NT file in a folder will work like you said.
  • edited 10:30PM

    Yeah a NT popup is the same as the popup from Apache. I know everything runs throught the bootstrap file, but do you know any folder by chance that is only loaded by the admin area, so i can protect that one. I think when the admin tries to access those folder, the popup is activated at that moment.
  • edited 10:30PM
    There isn't a folder per se that you can add that to. However, can you create a rule in that file trigger's the popup that says any request to a certain URI pops up the login and have the file located perhaps next to the main .htaccess file?
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