Model Sanitize clean problems

edited May 2012 in Bug Reports

I am currently building a model which has text inputs, a pdf upload and image upload fields.
Now i have built the form I have been trying to make it secure for upload.

I have found that if I upload a file, either a PDF or Image with a bad file name i.e test3^&.2@.jpg or testthis pdf.pdf the files get cleaned and then get placed in the specified folder on the server but when the filename gets stored in the database its the unclean origional.

How can I stop this? The database filename needs to be the same as the one thats been cleaned and uploaded to the server.



  • edited 7:25PM
    Do you have the latest version from GitHub?
  • edited 7:25PM
    Hi Thanks for the speedy reply.

    No, I have been working on this project since october. Will the updated files effect the current project?
  • edited 7:25PM
    Could I just replace the fixed files instead of a full update? if so which files would i need?
  • edited 7:25PM
    I would try replacing the fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php file and see if that fixes the issue.
  • edited 7:25PM
    Thats worked great!

    Much appreciated.
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