Updating Ckeditor?

edited May 2012 in News & Announcements
FuelCMS sports v3.4.2 while CKeditor is currently at 3.6.3, with tons of new features (html5 etc)
How should one proceed in order to update CKeditor inside the FUEL module without doing too much harm to the source code? thanks!


  • edited 12:19AM
    You should be able to replace the folder fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/editors/ckeditor. You may want to rename the existing in case you need to switch back.
  • edited 12:19AM
    worked like a charm!!! thanks!
    p.s. you should consider pulling this newest version of CKeditor in FuelCMS, it has some important bugfixes!
  • edited 12:19AM
    Yes... we have it in the upcoming release we are working on.
  • edited 12:19AM
    I am using fuel CMS version 1.0.5 and how I want to upgrade ckeditor Version 4.4.6 ?
    please let me know step also.

    I tired to replace ckeditor folder with new ckeditor version 4.4 but it is not working. thanks
  • edited 12:19AM
    If you upgrade to the latest version of FUEL CMS, it will be upgraded for you. To do that, you can just use GIT and pull in from GitHub the master branch.
  • edited 12:19AM
    Hello admin,

    can I upgrade ckeditor 4.4.6 without upgrade of the latest version of fuel cms in my project ?

  • edited 12:19AM
    There were a few additional changes made to the core to account for some changes in CKEditor 4.4 so I would recommend an upgrade or at least replace the fuel/modules/fuel folder.
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