Removing "Edit" from "Edit|Delete"

edited April 2012 in Modules
In a simple module, I want to remove the option of "Edit" and allow delete and Delete multiple.
In My_fuel_modules I made an entry as in

$config['modules']['simple_module'] = array(
'module_name' => 'My Simple module',
'module_uri' => 'simple_module',
'permission' => 'simple_module',
'nav_selected' => 'simple_module',
'model_location'=> 'simple_module',
'item_actions' => array('delete, delete_multiple'),

I still see Edit in the list view of the items listed.
I dont see deletemultiple button on top tool bar when i select the item (s)/record(s) to be deleted

Can any one please help me fix this?


  • edited 2:17PM
    You'll be wanting:

    'table_actions' => array('DELETE')

    For that. Delete multiple isn't a valid option. It shows when you select multiple delete checkboxes.

    You're format is slightly off for multiple options too, note the keys:

    'table_actions' => array('EDIT', 'VIEW');
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