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$config['modules']['news'] = array(
'display_field' => 'title',
'instructions' => '',
'archivable' => TRUE,
'preview_path' => 'news/item/{id}',
'js_controller' => 'NewsController', // custom js for this admin module
'js_controller_params' => array()
jqx.load('plugin', 'jquery.tagsinput.min');
fuel.controller.NewsController = jqx.createController(fuel.controller.BaseFuelController, {
init: function(initObj){
auto_suggest: function() {
// initialise tagsInput params
jqx.load('plugin', 'jquery.tagsinput.min'); fuel.controller.NewsController = jqx.createController(fuel.controller.BaseFuelController, { init: function(initObj){ this._super(initObj); }, add_edit: function(){ this._super(); this.auto_suggest(); }, auto_suggest: function() { $('.tagsuggest').tagsInput({ // initialise tagsInput params }); } });
Alternatively, you can also just use the module's "js" parameter to include a normal javascript file.
My admiration of Fuel CMS keeps growing, it's really a magnificent project.