Advanced module: Undefined variable user

edited March 2012 in Modules
I need some help, I tried to make my own advanced module, but I get this error in top right corner:

"Undefined variable user, Filename: blocks/_file_header.php, line number 36"

here's my class code:

class Massmail extends Fuel_base_controller {

public $nav_selected = 'tools/massmail';
public $view_location = 'massmail';

function __construct()

$this->load->module_config(MASSMAIL_FOLDER, 'massmail');
if ($this->config->item('massmail_authenticate'))

function _remap(){
$element = $this->uri->segment(4);

function _lista(){
$this->_render('massmail_view', $vars);


  • edited 3:27PM
    Is massmail_authenticate true? Could we see "blocks/_file_header.php".

    By the looks of that, you have no $user variable defined.

    Assuming _lista() is running, what happens when you add $vars['user'] = 'suw'; to it?
  • suwsuw
    edited 3:27PM
    massmail_authenticate is true,

    1. I took a look at fuel's fuel_header.php it seems I need to declare

    How can I get the current logged username? isn't that automatically done by the fuel render? Did I missed something?

    2. what's the difference between

    $this->load->module_config(MASSMAIL_FOLDER, 'massmail');
    Both commands load the config file? which one should we use?
  • suwsuw
    edited 3:27PM
    Hmm I solve it somehow, but it's ugly, still - no more error
    I added a private global variable in class and filled it with current username value.

    class Massmail extends Fuel_base_controller {
    private $loggedUserName;
    function __construct() {
    $session_key = $this->fuel_auth->get_session_namespace();
    $user_data = $this->session->userdata($session_key);

    function _lista(){
    Please let me know if there's other way to do this!
  • edited 3:27PM
    I think Lance had a good question as to whether "massmail_authenticate" is set to TRUE. If it isn't, then the user value is not set (if you look at line 77 of the Fuel_base_controller).
  • suwsuw
    edited 3:27PM
    It is set on true,


    $config['massmail_authenticate'] = TRUE;
    I also removed the If command - to force check login

    I have same error - unless I read manually the user status with this:

    $session_key = $this->fuel_auth->get_session_namespace();
    $user_data = $this->session->userdata($session_key);
    I am pretty shure somewhere I did something wrong - maybe not included something..
    here's my whole code.


    class Massmail extends Fuel_base_controller {

    public $nav_selected = 'tools/massmail';
    public $view_location = 'massmail';
    private $loggedUserName; //array with username - needed for render!

    function __construct()
    $this->load->module_config(MASSMAIL_FOLDER, 'massmail');
    //$this->config->load("massmail"); // same as above line...


    //if ($this->config->item('massmail_authenticate'))

    //force read user name
    $session_key = $this->fuel_auth->get_session_namespace();
    $user_data = $this->session->userdata($session_key);

    function _remap(){
    $element = $this->uri->segment(4);

    function _lista(){
    $this->_render('massmail_view', @$vars);
    and config file: config/massmail.php

    $config['nav']['tools']['tools/massmail'] = "Mass Mailer";

    // user guide requires user authentication to view
    $config['massmail_authenticate'] = TRUE;

    View file is simple

    "><?=lang('section_tools')?> > Mass Mailer


    that's it - anyone put those toghether and comment "force read username" - get that error...
  • suwsuw
    edited 3:27PM
    sorry for the viewfile - tought pre will show it....
  • suwsuw
    edited 3:27PM
    I solve it - I've seen my error - after putting the code HERE -
    parent::__construct(FALSE); => must be TRUE

    sorry for this - maybe someone will learn from it - I DID!
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