fuel_var support sitevariables right ?

edited November 2011 in Modules
i try it but it return null.

I have a advance module for admin, which make use of custom controller and custom view, it seem like I try to use the fuel_var on custom view and the sitevariables won't load.


  • edited 2:42PM
    How is the page being rendered? Also, what is your $config['fuel_mode'] set to in MY_fuel.php?
  • edited 2:42PM
    fuel_mode is views.

    I have a controller which extends Module , then I ovewrite the create_edit view in the controller, to use my own views.
  • edited November 2011
    You need to have it set to "auto" so that it will access the database. If it is set to just "view" then it won't attempt to grab any variables from the database.
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