Data has been saved. -- how do I override the message?

edited November 2011 in Modules
I customized a view for a simple module.
When user clicks on the the new button - I want message to be "
Your data is submitted for processing for the custom button.


  • edited 3:08PM
    That message comes from the fuel/modules/fuel/language/en/fuel_lang.js file. However, if you change it there, it will be changed for all modules. The only way to override that message without affecting other modules or hacking the fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php file would be to create a separate controller using an advanced module:
  • edited 3:08PM
    There should be an esy way out. Come on - reveal it :)
    Just for silly message - I cannot develop an advanced module now.
  • edited 3:08PM
    Sorry... unfortunately, that's the only way I can think of to do it.
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