Simple Module creation and link on dashboard

edited November 2011 in Modules
Created a simple module by creating the model and also added an entry to My_Fuel_modules.
A link gets created under "MODULES"
Is there a way - I could create these links only under "Manage" and not under modules.?
I actually tried the following
I edited My_Fuel.php under config and added for navigation
$config['nav']['manage'] = array(
'providers' => lang('module_providers'));
This comes up neatly under the manage. However without loading the module by having an entry in My_Fuel_Modules - module cannot be loaded. So I added an entry there too
$config['modules']['providers'] = array('module_name' => 'Providers',
'module_uri' => 'providers',
'permission' => 'providers',
'nav_selected' => 'providers',


Now - there are two links
1 - Under Module
2. - Under Manage.

Ideally I just need under Manage and not under module.

Can any one help me if there is a config which loads the module, but hides the link under "Module". I think - that would solve my issue.



  • edited 2:46PM
    It shows up also under the Modules area because that area has the default value of "AUTO" which will automatically pull in any modules from MY_fuel_modules. To get around that, you can assign just the modules you want to appear under the Modules section instead of using "AUTO" similar to how you added it to the Manage section in the nav array.
  • edited November 2011
    $config['nav']['modules']=array(); did the trick.
  • edited 2:46PM
    Is there a My_lang file we could use - dont see it getting loaded in fuel_lang.php.
    I did try adding an entry such as fuel

    did not work..
  • edited 2:46PM
    You should be able to include it in the config/autoload.php file.
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