Multiple Select Box(Combo) change other's value on change of first select option.
Fuel is a Great cms. I am using it for my school management system.
I have created advanced module and everything was fine, I have to add ajax functionality to change the value of second combo with change of first combo.
like:- I need to select class from a select box and on other select box sections of this class should be loaded.
I added StudentsController.js on assets/js loaded through
'js' => array('education' => 'StudentsController.js')
but on this line
var path = jqx.config.fuelPath + '/education/students/classes_combo/' + classId + '/' + id;
firebug says::--
POST http://osms.kml/fuel/education/students/classes_combo/24/1
404 Not Found
I have added modules under education folder. It looks like:

I can't figure out what is happening.
my education_routes.php is:
<?php $education_controllers = array('education', 'staffs', 'faculties', 'classes', 'sections', 'students', 'parents', 'fees', 'users', 'settings'); foreach($education_controllers as $c) { $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'education/'.$c] = EDUCATION_FOLDER.'/'.$c; $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'education/'.$c.'/(.*)'] = EDUCATION_FOLDER.'/'.$c.'/$1'; } // included in the $education_controllers array //$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'education/settings'] = EDUCATION_FOLDER.'/settings';
Can you please have a look on my module which can be found here.
I added ajax_combo method on model and defined path by on myController.js
Thank you for your time.
FUEL cms is great.