I have a table called games which has the following fields
id, participant_1, participant_2, league_id, game_date
I also have a leagues table with the fields
id, title
And then a participants table with the fields
id, title
In my games module the list items function works fine if I use the following query
$this->db->join('leagues', 'games.league_id = leagues.id', 'left');
$this->db->select('games.id, games.game_date, leagues.title AS league_title');
When I try and join a second table the page does not display any records
$this->db->join('leagues', 'games.league_id = leagues.id', 'left');
$this->db->join('participants p1', 'games.participant_1 = p1.id', 'left');
$this->db->select('games.id, p1.title AS participant_one, games.game_date, leagues.title AS league_title');
I've checked the query and it returns the results I'm expecting which are
id, participant_one, game_date, league_title
Any ideas why the records aren't appearing?
Column 'active' in order clause is ambiguous
I've declared my function with
function list_items($limit = NULL, $offset = NULL, $col = 'games.game_date', $order = 'asc')
Then call list items with
$data = parent::list_items($limit, $offset, $col, $order);
But the query comes back with
SELECT games.id, games.participant_1, games.participant_2, DATE_FORMAT(games.game_date, ' %a %e %b %Y') AS Date, leagues.title AS league_title FROM (games) LEFT JOIN leagues ON games.league_id = leagues.id ORDER BY active asc LIMIT 25
Should this be ordering by games.game_date?
Also, because the page sorting state is saved in the session in FUEL, you may need to logout and then back in to see the change without the error.