Question and correction in User Guide

edited December 2010 in News & Announcements
In page

It writes,

$route[FUEL_FOLDER.'/tools/user_guide'] = 'user_guide';
$route[FUEL_FOLDER.'/tools/user_guide/:any'] = 'user_guide/$1';

But actual file is the following without /.

$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'tools/user_guide'] = 'user_guide';
$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'tools/user_guide/(:any)'] = 'user_guide/$1';

What does this route file do actually?
I thought the line in user_guide.php makes the menu link.

$config['nav']['tools']['tools/user_guide'] = 'User Guide';

What am I missing here?

Do I need module_name_routes.php?


  • edited 10:57AM
    The $config['nav']['tools']['tools/user_guide'] strictly makes the menu on the left and doesn't guarantee that the URI path exists. You need to route to make sure you can access that page. For example, the URI path fuel/tools/user_guide doesn't exist. The user_guide module by default actually exists under /user_guide.

    The navigation The FUEL_ROUTE is a recent change (so no more FUEL_FOLDER). I've updated the user_guide.
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