User Guide suggestion

edited December 2010 in News & Announcements
In the page of

It writes the followings.
In the config file, add your module specific configuration information as well as and FUEL admin interface information like:
$config['nav']['tools']['tools/{module_name}'] = '{module_name}';

I suggest the followings in order to make it clearer.

In the module_name.php in the modules/module_name/config/ directory, add your module specific configuration information as well as and FUEL admin interface information like:
$config['nav']['tools']['tools/{module_name}'] = '{module_name}';

This will create a menu {module_name} in the admin left navigation with a link of tools/{module_name}.


$config['nav']['blog'] = array(
'blog/posts' => 'Posts',
'blog/categories' => 'Categories',
'blog/comments' => 'Comments',
'blog/links' => 'Links',
'blog/users' => 'Authors',
'blog/settings' => 'Settings'

This will create following links in the admin left navigation.

<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/posts" class="ico ico_blog_posts">Posts</a></li>
<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/categories" class="ico ico_blog_categories">Categories</a></li>
<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/comments" class="ico ico_blog_comments">Comments</a></li>
<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/links" class="ico ico_blog_links">Links</a></li>
<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/users" class="ico ico_blog_users">Authors</a></li>
<li><a href="http://localhost/fuelcmsdemo/index.php/fuel/blog/settings" class="ico ico_blog_settings">Settings</a></li>


  • edited 8:47AM
    Good suggestions. I've made some changes to help clarify.
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