Form_fields and 'multiple' select

edited September 2011 in Feature Requests
Hello again,

is there a way to have a field of type "select" get the multiple attribute without having the jquery combo box get attached inside a form_fields field declaration?
i've tried type = 'select' and mode = 'multiple' to no avail...
any help?

(reason i'm doing this is to attach jquery Chosen instead)


  • edited September 2011
    Just found out:

    $field['name'] = array(
    'type' => 'multi',
    'class' => 'no_combo'
    Hope it helps.

    UPDATE: still i can't figure out why if i add another class like

    'class' => 'no_combo my_other_class'
    the supercombo gets loaded again.... any clues?
  • edited 3:25PM
    I had to change BaseFuelController.js, line 393 (Version 0.9.3)

    $('select[multiple]', context).not('.no_combo').each(function(i){
    instead of

    $('select[multiple]', context).not('select[class=no_combo]').each(function(i){
    apparently select[class=no_combo] only accepts the element to be ONLY of the class specified... or something like that?
  • edited 3:25PM
    I've noted that for a future update. Thanks.
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