Access video directory from image insert on the RTE buttons bar

When I'm editing a page and the body has the RTE bar with BOLD, ITALICS, STIKE etc... and it has the INSERT IMAGE button. When I click the INSERT IMAGE button it brings up an asset management modal. I can then select an image from the dropdown. I do not see that it can access the video directory to embed a .mov file. What would you suggest to do to embed video that is in the assets/video folder that has been uploaded via the asset loader?


  • Local movies can eat up your hosting diskspace pretty quickly, so I tend to get owners to host their videos on Youtube.

    You'll want to add the "youtube" CKEditor plugin (v2.1.14 is compatible with the version of CKEditor used in Fuel).

    Remember to add to ./fuel/application/config/editors.php
    'extraPlugins' => '...,youtube'
    'Youtube' somewhere in the 'toolbar' array

    You may find that the purifier config breaks it by default so you'll need to enable Youtube there too.

    If you really want what you ask for, you could create a new plugin based on the existing "fuelimage" plugin. I did that to add PDF support, I think it's pretty straight forward?

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