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I have the following config:
$db['master_db']['hostname'] = "";
$db['master_db']['username'] = "root";
$db['master_db']['password'] = "";
$db['master_db']['database'] = "database_name";
$db['master_db']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['slave_db']['hostname'] = "";
$db['slave_db']['username'] = "root";
$db['slave_db']['password'] = "";
$db['slave_db']['database'] = "database_name";
$db['slave_db']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$active_group = "master_db";
And a model:
class Foo_model extends Base_module_model {
protected $dsn = 'slave_db';
function __construct(){}
This works fine from my controller if I'm doing something simple such as $data = foo_model->find_all() followed by outputting as a CSV.
If I want to use the $vars['data'] = foo_model->find_all() and then render it in a Fuel page:
function test() {
$vars = array('page_title' => 'Test','layout'=>'test');
$vars['data'] = $this->foo_model->find_all();
$page_init = array('location'=>'location','render_mode'=>'view','cache'=>false);
$this->fuel->pages->render("test_view", $vars, $page_init);
I get "Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings."
I've traced into fuel->pages->render to Fuel_pages_model.php and if I add protected $dsn = 'master_db'; it passes that step (but still fails, I guess it would be fine if I added protected the same to the other Fuel models too).
It seems to me something basic is broken for this style of database configuration. Any suggestions?
It may be because you don't have a dsn of "default" set which is what the FUEL models will be looking for.
I noticed my ./config/database.php notation was old (I'm using 1.4.13) so have swapped in the new notation and renamed 'master_db' to 'default' (remembering the active group).
It made no difference.
I've just edited
And that seems to have fixed it.
Not sure if I've found a bug and fixed it or something else fundamental is broken in my setup...
I think that may be a bug. I've pushed an update to the develop branch which essentially does what you are doing.