Multiple forms in Advanced module

edited April 2019 in Modules


I have an advanced module where I want multiple forms on a single page.

I have this working however only the supercomboselect on the first form is being initialised. On the second form, I see the standard HTML multi-select format.

What am I missing?

$form1fields['f1field'] = array('type' => 'multi', 'label'=>'Species', 'options' => my_options_list_a());
$vars['form1'] = $this->form_builder->render();
$form2fields['f2field'] = array('type' => 'multi', 'label'=>'Species', 'options' => my_options_list_b());
$vars['form2'] = $this->form_builder->render();
$this->fuel->admin->render('_admin/main', $vars, Fuel_admin::DISPLAY_DEFAULT);

echo $form1;
echo $form2;


  • That one is tough to tell without the full controller code. One issue may be that the main page area in FUEL is surrounded by a form tag and doesn't allow nesting multiple form tags which may be part of the issue depending on how you setup the page.

    For each render, is it outputting a chunk of javascript similar to below (do a search for "formBuilderFuncs" in the source)?

    <script type="text/javascript">
    if (jQuery){ jQuery(function(){if (jQuery.fn.formBuilder) {if (typeof(window['formBuilderFuncs']) == "undefined") { window['formBuilderFuncs'] = {}; };window['formBuilderFuncs'] = jQuery.extend(window['formBuilderFuncs'], {"multi":{"func":"fuel.fields.multi_field","options":null,"order":0}});jQuery("#form_XXXX").formBuilder(window['formBuilderFuncs']);jQuery("#form_XXX").formBuilder().initialize();}})}</script>
  • edited April 2019

    Yeah. There's a form element wrapping everything, the "correct"(?) [div] container for the first form and then a [form] container for the 2nd form. There's two formBuildFuncs stanzas but both use the ID of the first form.
    Loading the formbuilder library in the controller and building 2 forms doesn't seem to create two separate sets of form code.
    Is there a way to set up a view page that doesn't include that wrapping form?
    I might need to rearrange the way I'm presenting this module - separate pages for each form and a collective menu on the left-hand side...

  • You can set the id on the second form so that it renders with a different ID:

    $form1fields['f1field'] = array('type' => 'multi', 'label'=>'Species', 'options' => my_options_list_a());
    $vars['form1'] = $this->form_builder->render();
    $this->form_builder->id = 'my-id';
    $form2fields['f2field'] = array('type' => 'multi', 'label'=>'Species', 'options' => my_options_list_b());
    $vars['form2'] = $this->form_builder->render();
    $this->fuel->admin->render('_admin/main', $vars, Fuel_admin::DISPLAY_DEFAULT);
  • Thanks. Setting $this->form_builder->id was enough to get things working.

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