Preview of Recordset in Backend Only

what would be the way to create a preview of a Simple Module entry only in the backend (best in a modal window)?

I tried to set the preview_path in my module to "/fuel/praemien/preview/{id}" and set up a preview() method in my model, but I guess that's the wrong place.

it should be also only accessible to logged in users.

Thanks for any hint.


  • I would setup your own controller and register a route (like normal CI). I would extend the Module.php controller so you get the authentication check.

    If you are wanting to launch it in a modal window, you can use the fuel.modalWindow function in your custom javascript code that is meant to launch a modal window that contains an iframe:

    fuel.modalWindow = function(html, cssClass, autoResize, onLoadCallback, onCloseCallback)

    Excerpt from custom_fields.js where it is used:

    var html = '<iframe src="' + url +'" id="add_edit_inline_iframe" class="inline_iframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" style="border: none; height: 0px; width: 0px;"></iframe>';
    $modal = fuel.modalWindow(html, 'inline_edit_modal', true, onLoadCallback, onCloseCallback);

    More on adding javascript to your modules can be found here:

  • Great! I was worrying about the auth check. I Will try that.
    Thanks for your help!

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