I'm beginning a project with FuelCMS and had a couple of questions regarding my customization of this CMS for the website I'm working on.
1) Do I save all CSS, JS, images and other assets in the /assets folder or can/should I make these folders under the application folder instead? Another way of asking this: Is the assets folder hands-off (belonging to Fuel), or should it be used to house the site-specific asset files?
2) Can I just start making controllers under application/controllers, and then expect those functions to map to the URI in the pattern {controller name}/{function name}?
With regards to your assets question, you can change the location of the assets folder but will need to also change it in the fuel/application/config/asset.php file as well as possibly the .htaccess (which blocks access to all files in the fuel folder accept for those found in the the fuel/modules/{module}/assets/). My recommendation would be to leave it as is unless you really need to change it.