default controller routes

edited December 2017 in News & Announcements
hi ,
I installed the last version of fuelcms
and I encountered a problem:
I put default_controller = 'home' always shows me 404


  • edited 3:43AM
    Do you have a controller in fuel/application/controllers/Home.php?
  • edited December 2017
    no, I only create (home) it in the management of pages dashboard.

    I found it difficult to use this version is not like the previous version of fuel
  • edited 3:43AM
    For it to find your homepage in the CMS, the default_controller value must stay as "fuel/page_router".
  • edited December 2017
    $route['default_controller'] = 'home';
    $route['404_override'] = 'fuel/page_router';
    and my dashboard contains this page home
  • edited 3:43AM
    When you say dashboard, do you mean the Fuel dashboard or your own homepage that has a controller at fuel/application/controllers/Home.php?
  • edited 3:43AM
    Thank you. finally I found the solution
    this line of code that disturbs me
    $ This-> fuel-> pages-> render
  • edited 3:43AM
    hello admin,
    I met a problem with the function filters (), it lists all the table elements
    always the new version fuelcms
    thank you
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