Howto get current navigation ID or nav key

edited February 2017 in Modules

I have a view file.
In code I want to retrieve the ID of the current navigation item,
Because I want to echo all child navigation items from this branch in my site:


I have a navigation item with ID 37.
But I don't want to hardcode the id (see below) because this view will be used at different points in my navigation.

$nav = fuel_nav(array(
'parent' => 37,
'render_type' =>'array'


I need something like this:

$currentNavID = $this->fuel->pagevars->retrieve('my_nav_id'); // pseudocode; does not work

$nav = fuel_nav(array(
'parent' => $currentNavID,
'render_type' =>'array'


Best, Gordian


I am new to fuel CMS - but I love it - therefor sorry for this question.
I did not find a solution in the docs and this forum.



  • edited 5:22PM
    I found a solution but I am not totally satisfied.
    The parameter "parent" of the fuel_nav() function does also understand the "nav key" ( the human friendly version ) of the nav id.

    The documentation says:
    "parent - the parent id you would like to start rendering from. This is either the database ID or the nav array key of the menu item"
    Found here:

    So I can write:

    $nav = fuel_nav(array(
    'parent' => uri_segment(1) . "/" . uri_segment(2),
    'render_type' =>'array'

    It would be nicer to get the whole nav-key with one function call, so I don't need to concat segments. But unfortunately I did not found the right helper function yet.

    Does anyone know a command?!


    Best, Gordian

  • edited 5:22PM
    That's how we normally do it as well using the uri_segment function and concatenating if necessary.
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