how to handle has_many option in custom module

edited June 2016 in Bug Reports
hi i am using the latest version of fuel :
i have used a relation like as follow
public $has_many = array('speaker_id' => array('model' => array( FUEL_FOLDER => 'speakers_model' ),'where' => array('is_disabled' => 0)));
it is generation a filed multi select every thing is quit fine if i select a single option but it is giving error while i am selecting multiple option. like as follow :

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice

Message: Array to string conversion

Filename: core/MY_DB_mysqli_driver.php

Line Number: 277

i have tried : following function's in model

function save($record=array(), $validate=TRUE,$ignore_on_insert=TRUE, $clear_related=NULL)
$record['speaker_id']=(is_array($record['speaker_id']))?implode(',', $record['speaker_id']):$record['speaker_id'];
return parent::save($record, $validate, $ignore_on_insert, $clear_related);
function form_fields($values = array(),$related=array())


$values['speaker_id']= explode(',', $values['speaker_id']);
$fields = parent::form_fields($values);
return $fields;
this fixed the error but not showing the selected items while editing

in this table speaker_id is varchar

what is the mistake i am doing while using the normal way - can one help me with it ???? what way should i take to resolve it ???


  • edited 8:44PM
    Where does your "speakers_model" live? If it is in the fuel/application/models folder then I'd try the following:
    public $has_many = array('speaker_id' => array('model' => 'speakers_model', 'where' => array('is_disabled' => 0)));
    Note that the array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'speakers_model') was replaced with just 'speakers_model' which refers to the main application/model folder.
  • edited 8:44PM
    as per that i have changed it to
    public $has_many =array('speaker_id' => array('model' => array( 'events'=>'speakers_model'), 'where' => array('is_disabled' => 0)));

    but the condition have not changed :
    it doing the add save function properly
    but while editing it is not showing the selected options selected ...
  • edited 8:44PM
    Does the following syntax fix your problem:
    public $has_many =array('speaker_id' => array( 'events'=>'speakers_model', 'where' => array('is_disabled' => 0));
  • edited 8:44PM
    hi finally the issue get resolved by removing

    $record['speaker_id']=(is_array($record['speaker_id']))?implode(',', $record['speaker_id']):$record['speaker_id'];
    from save

    and $values['speaker_id']= explode(',', $values['speaker_id']); from orm_fields function and just by adding the fild to $serialized_fields
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