Advanced module - Create an item "Select Another" option

edited May 2016 in News & Announcements
How can i control the information which will be shown on the "Select Another" option, while creating an item using Advanced module.


  • edited 1:26AM
    There is a method inherited from the Base_module_model.php called get_others which should return a key => value array for the dropdown list. You can overwrite that method in your model.
  • edited May 2016
    Thanks for your quick response. i am able to control the field option by setting display_field, while defining the module in xxxxx_fuel_modules.php.

    I have another query - On the Advanced module listing section. i get an option for "Create" and "Search", i want to add a category dropdown (added using navigation). When user select a category from the drop down, it will filter the listing based on the selected category - how can we achieve this?
  • edited 1:26AM
    I have sorted out this by Using the filter feature, currently filter is building a query with LIKE %%, how can i change it to query _equal
  • edited 1:26AM
    Please ignore i have sorted this - by referring your documentation.
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