Using Fuelcms with a pre-existing 1.3 CodeIgniter project
I have a 1.3 CI project that I want to integrate with Fuel CMS 1.3.2 release but I'm a bit confused on how I can merge both together. For example the CodeIgniter/core/codeigniter.php says it's still on version 2.2.1 - So should I replace the contents within the CodeIgniter folder with the contents of the version 1.3 system folder.
1. Controller and Model names need to be upper case. This can be a pain when using git since it requires you to rename them with git:
2. Method signatures need to match their parent. You may get warnings for library initialize methods or model form_fields methods needing to math their parent.
3. A $config['sess_save_path'] in the fuel/application/config/config.php may need to be setup depending on your setup
There may be a few more. However, I've setup a command line script to help with the most common issues which can be run like so:
>php index.php fuel/installer/update
I'd highly recommend doing this migration in a different branch in case you need to roll back.
We are testing it out still and squashing bugs as we find them so I'd be curious to here if you run into any bugs of your own not caused by the migration.
1. Hmm. I never had any Git issues making my Models and Controllers Uppercased.
2. Thanks I'll keep that in mind
3. Yes I plan to save sessions in the Database. Does the FuelCMS.sql file include creating a table for storing sessions or do I need to create one myself?
I made sure I was doing this on a test branch.
I tried the script but didn't return anything. Maybe I need to configure the Fuel CLI $_Server variables?
I did run into an issue with installation. I've already posted the issue on GitHub about a 'Array to string conversion' error on the installation page.
What version of PHP and platform are using and do you have the latest from the develop branch?
I'm using PHP 5.6 and yes I'm using the latest develop branch.
Edit: I see that there are some recent commits addressing some of the error messages i've been having. I'll try the latest one and report back.