Dea all,
I'm just trying to add a plugin to the CKEditor, but after copying it into the plugins folder and adding its name on MY_fuel.php, nothing happens. The plugin button does not appear on the editor.
Any ideas or directions on that? The plugin is MediaEmbed, and can be found here: regards,
$config['ck_editor_settings'] = array( 'toolbar' => array( //array('Source'), array('Bold','Italic','Strike'), array('Format'), array('Image','HorizontalRule'), array('NumberedList','BulletedList'), array('Link','Unlink'), array('Undo','Redo','RemoveFormat'), array('Preview'), array('Maximize'), array('MediaEmbed') ), 'extraPlugins' => 'MediaEmbed', 'contentsCss' => WEB_PATH.'assets/css/main.css', 'htmlEncodeOutput' => FALSE, 'entities' => FALSE, 'bodyClass' => 'ckeditor', 'toolbarCanCollapse' => FALSE, );
The weird thing now is the way ckeditor stores de information in the database. I followed the 'simple module' creation tutorial, and everyithing is fine. But when I try to store something in the content field using html tags,for example:
the string that is stored in the database is:
<iframe frameborder="0" height="225" src="" width="400"></iframe>
The result of this is that in the view, the iframe is not rendered as an embeded video, but a single string.
I checked it using the pages module, and this behaviour does not happen.
Is there any different configuration that I am missing?
thanks a lot,
Try adding the following to your MY_fuel_modules.php to the module name you are using:
'sanitize_input' => array('template','php'),
By default, it uses the xss_clean which may cause problems with iframes.
How can i add the sanitize input to the "Pages" admin module ? I am having the same issue above described.
Thanks a lot!
I tried the above instructions to put to work the embed youtube iframe on CKeditor but the result is the same the iframe tag as string.
Any additional idea? Thanks a lot!´t-read-media-embed-code
You can try adding config settings in the fuel/application/config/editors.php $config['ckeditor']['default'].