blog duplicated url's

edited January 2016 in Bug Reports
Hi i was making some test with google webmasters tools and is given some html improvements for dulplicated contents but i see some unusual behavior.

The generated url's with diferent dates with same id take me to the same post something like these:

both urls take me to the same post but webmaster tools said that is duplicated content,

how can i prevent this behavior. thanks in advance.


  • edited 5:58AM
    This is a bug. A newer version of the blog was released this week and a subsequent bug fix for this issue was pushed today. The update requires a few SQL updates which can be found in the install folder. Let me know if you run into any issues.
  • edited 5:58AM
    ok admin let me update my blog thanks in advance
  • edited January 2016
    Hi admin thanks for all, the upgrade was correctly applied and i have no issues to report the url issue was fixed.
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