Edit toolbar ckeditor

edited December 2015 in Feature Requests
I want to change the toolbar ckeditor.
I do not want to make mistakes so chiedso which file bisogma change.
Thank you


  • The CKEditor config is in ./fuel/application/config/editors.php, almost all settings can be edited there.
  • edited 12:15AM
    I'm also wanting to edit the toolbar for CKEditor, but even after adding features to the arrays in the editors.php file, the changes don't seem to take effect.
  • edited 12:15AM
    So I found there was an error in the editors.php file and updated contentCss to contentsCss per the Nov 27 push.

    But I'm not able to add any features to the editor config, only remove them. If I remove the entire 'toolbar' array then all the features are present.

    Any idea why this is?
  • edited 12:15AM
    I've ran into issues in the past where I've needed to includ extra plugins which would need to be added to the fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/editors/plugins/ folder:'extraPlugins' => 'image2,uploadimage,justify,indentblock',
  • edited December 2015
    These aren't extra plugins I want to add, only the standard CK Editor toolbar features such as array('JustifyLeft,','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','Underline') etc.
  • edited 12:15AM
    For justify, make sure to download the plugins here and add the folder to fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/editors/plugins/

    For underline, you'll need to add the following to the editor.php config because the default config.js has Underline included in the 'removeButtons' and this will overwrite it:
    'removeButtons' => 'Subscript,Superscript',
  • For what it's worth, it's important to get the capitalisation correct in CKEditor's settings - worth checking?
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