Fuel CMS - Integrate Summernote Editor or similar

Hi everyone! what about integrate a new and fresh Bootstrap3 compatible editor ? iam new on fuelCMS and i´ve builded a couple of websites using fuel and BS3. So, i think would be great to have an editor compatible with BS3.

Which are the steps to install this editor ? i would be glad to work on this and send the upgrade to update the current version of FuelCMS.




  • edited 9:13AM
    You would need to modify the fuel.css file and the view files found in the fuel/modules/fuel/views folder

    The main fuel/modules/fuel/views/_layouts/admin_main.php file is the main layout file but there may be a lot of fuel/modules/fuel/views/_blocks/ files that need to be updated as well.

    To minify the css to the fuel.min.css file that is loaded in the header go to fuel/build/
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