Different slugs for same page in different languages

edited August 2015 in Modules
I've been working on a site that has to work in 3 languages. However I wanted to make it so that pages in each language have different slugs, so I don't end up with /en/contacts, /ru/contacts/, etc. Is there any way to achieve this easily?

At the moment the only solution I found was to have separate pages for each language, meaning they're not linked in any way. The obvious downside to this is you end up with empty pages (i.e. /en/contacts is with content, but /ru/contacts remains empty). Had to sprinkle some show_404()'s around :)


  • edited 8:10PM
    Have you seen this part of the documentation?
  • edited 8:10PM
    Yes, but it talks about the segment and query string method, does not mention adjusting the slug values?
  • edited 8:10PM
    Sorry... I read that wrong. There is no method for slug values. I don't know if I'd recommend that method either since Google recommends either a top level domain, a sub domain or using segments.
  • edited 8:10PM
    Ah alright, I'll keep that in mind thanks! It seemed like different slugs were a good idea at first, but yeah it makes sense having them in one language is better for web crawlers.
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