I have a requirement to extend the asset module.
In some of my modules where I upload assets the requirement is to encode the image filename.
My idea is to have an extra checkbox in the upload mask "Encrypt/Encode Filename". If this box is ticked then on saving the asset the filename gets encrypted via for example md5($filename) or another method. The upload then should return the new filename.
Is this possible with your asset module? Which files do I have to extend? Or would you propose some postprocessing in the save method of the module for this?
I have configured my form field to encrypt the filename
$fields['image'] = array('label' => lang('form_label_image'), 'folder' => 'images/mannschaft', 'accept' => 'jpg|jpeg|png', 'encrypt_name' => TRUE, 'type' => 'file', 'overwrite' => TRUE, 'ignore_representative' => TRUE, 'hide_options' => TRUE );
But when I save a record, the filename is not encrypted... what have I done wrong?
It worked!