Issue with catogories and generated post pages
First, I want to say how excited I was for the new version fuel, introducing the base posts model.
Sadly, I have run into a road block. I am trying to follow the example you have here: when I do and I try to add a new category, the location to the inline window goes here:
Slugs seem to work flawlessly. Any thoughts?
that just reopens the current page I am in.
the only way to get it to sort of work, is commenting out:
//$fields['category_id']['module'] = $this->name;
and adding "add_params" with "context='.$this->name"
it now directs to "fuelcms/categories/inline_create?context=gallery" which allows me to create new categories using the context.
I am assuming this is not the right way?
function form_fields($values = array(), $related = array()) { $fields = parent::form_fields($values, $related); $fields['category_id']['module'] = 'categories'; // put in your own specific code to manipulate the fields here return $fields; }