Can't access admin panel in also mod_rewrite doesn't work

edited June 2015 in Installation
Hello guys,

I want to run this cms in my local for study purposes but I have a trouble in the installation. I am using XAMP server. I follow all the instructions carefully.

But when I try to navigate the admin panel by using this:


I am redirecting to xampp spashscreen.

But when I try to access this:


I can access it but when I provide the authentication I redirect also to XAMPP screen.

I enable the mod_rewrite in my xampp but still no effect. I don't know if I miss something.


  • edited 7:35PM
    It looks like you have FUEL installed in a "fuelcms" subfolder". Did you change the .htaccess RewriteBase value:
    RewriteBase /fuelcms/
  • edited 7:35PM
    Thanks for the answer. I already fixed that yesterday. By the way what kind of CodeIgniter did you use in the CMS?
  • edited 7:35PM
    This version is use 2.1... 3.0 is in the works.
  • edited 7:35PM
    Thanks admin :) I hope you can also integrate bootstrap framework with this.
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