Codeigniter 3.0

edited May 2015 in Modules
Hi guys,

I was wondering if anybody has succeeded in converting Fuel CMS to Codeigniter 3.0?

Would be great to get some insights into this topic!




  • edited 3:10PM
    Not at this time. We've decided to focus on the next rollout which doesn't include the 3.0 release.
  • edited 3:10PM
    Thanks for the quick reply!

    When do you plan to publish the next release?

    We're working with Fuel for two months now and we love it!
    Can't wait to see what you guys are going to change for the next release.

    By the way: we ported the whole backend to Twitter bootstrap - it's fully responsive now (unfortunately I can't post pictures on the forum).

  • edited 3:10PM
    The next release will hopefully be within the month but depends on some things so no promises :)

    Would love to see what you did with porting it over to Twitter bootstrap so if you have a zip you'd be willing to share, I'd be happy to check it out.
  • edited 3:10PM
    Hi there, galactic_web!
    Is there any chance to see backend with integrated Twitter bootstrap?
    I was trying to make my own, but had some problems with that... :'(
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