Unable to Edit Fuel Variable in Inline Editor

edited May 2015 in Bug Reports
Hi , I have uploaded pages and Blocks in My fuel dashboard . i am able to edit Block variables , But page variables are showing following error .

This variable must either be saved in the admin or edited in the associated views/_variables file.


  • edited 11:10AM
    That error is displayed when the page variables being displayed are coming from _variables files and aren't editable. To fix the issue, add the appropriate layout fields in for the CMS and save your page.
  • edited 11:10AM
    hi,you want me to add each variable in the cms?
  • edited 11:10AM
    I'm just saying that the variables you want to inline edit need to be variables you can manage in the CMS. To make them manageable in the CMS, you'll need to create the page in the CMS with the layout that contains those fields. Does that make sense?
  • edited 11:10AM
    i have each variable to
    Now its working.
  • edited 11:10AM
    Hello, can i use the inline editing on a static view? and can i change the editing iframe height and width?
  • edited 11:10AM
    If you use the fuel_edit function for a static view file that contains say module elements (looping through news items for example), then the inline editor pencil will show up. The iframe height and width are controlled by the contents of the iframe and aren't configurable.
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