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$config['search']['preserveTitleHTML'] = true;
function _find_title_tag($xpath, $tags)
if (is_string($tags))
$tags = preg_split('#,\s*#', $tags);
foreach ($tags as $tag)
// get the xpath equation for querying if it is not already in xpath format
if (preg_match('#^<.+>#', $tag, $matches))
$tag = $this->get_xpath_from_node($tag);
// get the h1 value for the title
$tag_results = $xpath->query('//'.$tag);
if ($tag_results->length)
foreach($tag_results as $t)
//$value = (string) $t->nodeValue;
$innerHTML = '';
$children = $t->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );
return $innerHTML;
return FALSE;
function find_page_title($xpath)
//$t = $this->_find_title_tag($xpath, $this->config('title_tag'));
if ($this->config('preserveTitleHTML')) {
$t = $this->_find_title_tag($xpath, $this->config('title_tag'));
} else {
$t = $this->_find_tag($xpath, $this->config('title_tag'));
return $t;
if (!$this->config('preserveTitleHTML')) {
$values['title'] = $this->format_title($values['title']);
I've come across another issue which I have a fix for. My site is about to go beta. There's lots of pages to index. Because it's beta, we have a robots.txt in place to stop the site from being spidered for now. Unfortunately, the search plugin looks for a robots.txt and removes indexed pages rather than indexing them if a robots.txt exists.
I've added this to my search config file
$config['search']['ignore_robots'] = TRUE;
...and wrapped the contents of ./libraries/Fuel_search.php's check_robots_txt() in
if ($this->config('ignore_robots') == false) { .. } else { return true }