"Unable to locate the file: _admin/backlog.php"

edited January 2015 in Modules
Is it enough in FuelCMS 1.2.1 to use the following command to create an advanced module named "Backlog"?

php index.php fuel/generate/advanced backlog
It shows up in the menu on the left, but as soon as I click on "Backlog" with the gear icon next to it, I'm greeted with the following message:

An Error Was Encountered Unable to locate the file: _admin/backlog.php
I have just checked and the file does indeed exist, with the default placeholder message:

This view is located in the fuel/modules/backlog/views/_admin/ folder
What exactly am I missing? The documentation on advanced modules just showed the "generate" command.


  • edited 8:45AM
    The generated controller at fuel/modules/backlog/controllers/backlog.php has an issue where the last line that calls the admin render method should be:
    $this->fuel->admin->render('_admin/{module}', $vars, '', BACKLOG_FOLDER);
    A fix for this issue has been posted in the develop branch.
  • edited 8:45AM
    It's working! Thanks a lot. On to learning advanced modules :)
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