Logged in user's own pages and navigation
My next Fuel project will involve multiple CMS users and an Admin user. I'd like users to have access to the Pages and Navigation modules but only allow CRUD access to their own pages - and Admin to have access to all. User will be able to create their own pages and associated Navigation but not be able to see or edit other peoples'.
Is that possible with minimal tweaks to the existing Page & Nav modules or will I need to build a new set with the extra features built in?
Any suggestions?
To implement the updates, download the development branch here:
There is now a property on a model that extends the Base_module_model (which all modules do), called "$limit_to_user_field". You can specify a field to query on automatically that holds the user it belongs to. For pages, this would be "fuel_pages.last_modified_by". To modify the pages model, I'd recommend creating your own model that inherits the fuel/modules/fuel/models/fuel_pages_model.php and is placed in the fuel/application/models/My_fuel_pages.php. In that new model, add the following property:
public $limit_to_user_field = 'fuel_pages.last_modified_by';
Then, using the module_overwrites in the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel_modules.php file, add the following
$config['module_overwrites']['pages']['model_name'] ='My_pages_model'; $config['module_overwrites']['pages']['model_location'] ='app';
More on module overwrites can be found here:
"Error Number: 1052
Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous
SELECT id, location FROM (`fuel_pages`) LEFT JOIN `fuel_users` ON `fuel_users`.`id` = `fuel_pages`.`last_modified_by` WHERE `fuel_users`.`id` = 2 ORDER BY `location` asc
Filename: /var/www/website/fuel/modules/fuel/core/MY_Model.php
Line Number: 1136"
I seem to be able to create pages as "admin" though...
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: fuel_pages.id
Filename: libraries/Data_table.php(937) : runtime-created function
Line Number: 5
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: fuel_pages.id
Filename: controllers/module.php(447) : runtime-created function
Line Number: 24
I think there'll be a set of these for each page in the list.
Do you think I can ignore them since they're "notices"? This Fuel instance is using my normal PHP Error reporting settings - I've not seen these before...
BTW. I'm not using the full Git develop branch as the ckeditor configuration settings feature seems to be broken - I've just pulled base_module_model.php across into my v1.2 instance...
Does the pages list view have it's own formatting somewhere? I've extended
class MY_pages_model extends Fuel_pages_model
and added my own
function list_items($limit=NULL,$offset=NULL,$col='',$order='asc',$just_count=FALSE) { $this->db->join($this->_tables['fuel_users'], $this->_tables['fuel_users'].'.id = '.$this->_tables['fuel_pages'].'.last_modified_by', 'left'); $this->db->select($this->_tables['fuel_pages'].'.id,location,layout,last_modified,published,'.$this->_tables['fuel_users'].'.user_name AS `owner`',false); $data = parent::list_items($limit,$offset,$col,$order,$just_count); //if (!$just_count) { echo $this->debug_query(); exit;} //if (!$just_count) { echo '<pre>DEBUG::';echo print_r($data,true);echo '</pre>'; exit;} return $data; }
but the "owner" field doesn't appear in the list view (normally on other modules, I'd use this select to specify what I want to see on a list view). My model is the one that gets called (the debug_query() appears for example when I uncomment it)
I've overridden:
public function on_before_save($values) { $CI = get_instance(); //$this->_editable_by_user(); $user = $CI->fuel->auth->user_data(); //$values['last_modified_by'] = $user['id']; $values['last_modified_by'] = ($values['last_modified_by'] == '')?$user['id']:$values['last_modified_by']; return $values; }
Which fixes the problem but it does raise the issue between the purpose and usefulness of "last_modified_by" in this context. Perhaps an additional "owner" field should be used instead?
BTW: With $this->_editable_by_user(); enabled, the pages fails to save with an error claiming you do not have permissions (there's a PHP error too):
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: fuel_pages.last_modified_by
Filename: models/base_module_model.php
Line Number: 1062
public function on_before_save($values) { $CI = get_instance(); $this->_editable_by_user(); $values['last_modified_by'] = (!empty($this->limit_to_user_field) AND !empty($values['last_modified_by'])) ? $values['last_modified_by'] : $CI->fuel->auth->user_data('id'); return $values; }
Regarding the error you were seeing, I'm not able to replicate that issue as of yet. Do you have other replication steps.
Regarding the fields, you can override the fields displayed in the list view with the table_headers module parameter which the pages module does have set (see the fuel/modules/fuel/config/fuel_modules.php file). To alter that, add your own table_headers value as a module overwrite, or set it as an empty array and it will pickup what you have set in your list_items method.
As it stands, and with a small selection of pages owned by two users, it seems to work - but more by accident.
The resulting query is
SELECT fuel_pages.*, fuel_users.user_name, fuel_users.first_name, fuel_users.last_name, fuel_users.email, CONCAT(fuel_users.first_name, fuel_users.last_name) AS full_name FROM (`fuel_pages`) LEFT JOIN `fuel_users` ON `fuel_users`.`id` = `fuel_pages`.`last_modified_by` WHERE `fuel_users`.`id` = last_modified_by AND `fuel_users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1
In my news module, the resulting query is
SELECT `news`.*, `fuel_users`.`user_name` AS owner FROM (`news`) LEFT JOIN `fuel_users` ON `fuel_users`.`id` = `newsOwner` WHERE `fuel_users`.`id` = newsOwner LIMIT 1
This isn't locating the record that's being edited. Shouldn't the WHERE be looking for this_table->key_field = current_record->key_field->value? eg ("WHERE `news`.`newsID` = 3" (3 being the id of the record)