manage block in multilanguage

edited October 2014 in Feature Requests
I feel a little stuck with the use of blocks in multilanguage context.
the website i'm working on is in 6 languages with complex layout and a lot blocks than appear in different page of the site.
Block can be group of html elements designed and of course text that have to change according to language choosen.
And all text have to be editable by the client ( front or back office, front is better )
Creating 6 differents blocks by language seems a pain, cause at every change in the design i have to recreate my 6 blocks.

I was thinking of using pages instead of block. render fuel_page in a page don't work out of the box but can perhaps be tweaked . (loading module page in a block ?? i'm noob to Fuel)

Any help of someone who has deal with multilanguage site (with editable sections ) would be appreciate , i'm not sure where to dig .

excuse my terrible english, have nice day


  • edited 10:50PM
    I'm a little confused by if there is any change, wouldn't you need to update it in 6 places anyway whether it's a block or a page layout?
  • edited 10:50PM
    hi, thx for your answer.
    And yep my question was silly, even with the page layout, update of html structure in dB will need to update every page in 6 language.

    I think i need to be more granular in my visions, and perhaps develop static content in block with editable variables ( depending language in front ) - Do you think can be an idea ?

    Whatever thx for your support, to be continued ...
  • edited 10:50PM
    I would recommend using something like block layouts which you can think of as smaller smaller set of block specific variables that can be used across multiple layouts:
  • edited 10:50PM
    Ok i've tried more deeply the Fuel_block_layout features. Can be very interesting on other context, but in my case i'm not fan of dB dependancies between fuel_page_variables and the content of a block (i've perhaps miss other way to use it ).
    Same block can appear on different page

    I will stay on my first idea : complex structural html hardcoded in one file by block with editable text variables in the 6 languages.

    I will post some feedback if someone is interested by this method ( or perhaps it's just dumb, i explore the cms and try to factorize to the max )

    Thx for your support
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