Customize fuel cms default modules

edited July 2014 in Modules
This is another question related to customing CMS default modules. The link here displayed a way to customize the listing of results. However, what could a good approach to customize modules like changing table structures? Few sequential questions in this line are:
is it a good practice to add columns to fuel_users directly?
If we add directly, will that cause upgrade issues in future?
If not, should we create an extra table to host the extra fields for the fuel_users?
and if we create in extra table, how could we handle the CRUD? do we need to modify all the current methods in controller and model?


  • edited 11:48PM
    Changing fields in a table can potentially cause upgrade issues. However, you could use migrations to help with any schema changes. I'd also recommend using GIT to merge in changes from the GitHub repo.

    To handle the CRUD operations, you would handle that in your model and could potentially use model hooks to do any further processing of data (such as saving in another table). In this case it may be the model you setup using module_overwrites:

    In a situation where you want to augment the fields of a table, you can create an additional table. The Blog module does this for the authors and extends the fuel_users table. The difference though is that there is both a blog_authors module and a fuel_users module that co-exist (one doesn't replace the other).
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