Fuel link in WYSIWYG

edited June 2014 in Share
The configuration of the WYSIWYG editor(s) in MY_fuel.php has removePlugins: 'link,image' which disables the CKE link tool (including the Anchor tool). Is there a way to enable the Anchor tool, but keep the Fuel link behaviour (ie writing relative urls via php)?


  • edited 1:12AM
    Currently there is not. You would need to create new plugins and associate them with different toolbar names since they are replacements of the CKEditor ones. You could probably just copy these and change their toolbar association (found at the bottom of the plugin.js file... see links below). The plugins can be found here:

  • edited 1:12AM
    I just pushed a change to allow for this in the develop branch. You’ll need to clear your cache (it sticks like crazy with CKEditor). And you’ll need to remove them from the “removePlugins” in the ck_editor_settings.
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