Redirecting to admin's login page when accessing a module controller

edited June 2014 in Share
I am trying to access the index function of a module controller inheriting from Fuel_base_controller:


class Registeration extends Fuel_base_controller
function __construct()
function index()
But if I am not already logged in as admin, I will be redirected to the admin's login page which is not necessary. How can I prevent this?


  • edited June 2014
    I could find my answer here:

    In the 1.0 beta, If you inherit from the Fuel_base_controller, there is a protected "_validate_user" method you can use which will validate if a person is logged in by using the Fuel_auth class (e.g. $this->fuel->auth->has_permission($permission)). By default, a controller inheriting from Fuel_base_controller will run that method unless you pass FALSE to the parent constructor.

    Hence my new code:
    function __construct()
    The only question that remains now is that where has this info been documented? I could not find any description of the class in this page:
  • edited 7:03PM
    The documentation for that class is a bit thin. However, looking at the source code should be pretty helpful. It's found in fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_base_controller.php
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