I've hit a problem with iframes and CKE that I've not encountered before.
CKE is configured with the Oembed plugin, which usually does a good job of embedding iframes. This works fine in CMS pages, and the Fuel Blog module, and works on insert into the WYSIWYG in an advanced module, but when saved it converts the iframe to entities.
What might the advanced module be doing that the Pages / Blog one isn't?
'sanitize_input' => array('template','php'),
I'm sure there is a config to fix this, but I admit to forgetting it! At first I thought it might be to do with globa_xss_filtering, but changing that to false doesn't help.
...a gotcha I came across some time ago...
Actually I had a video embedded in the database via CKE / Oembed previously, and it is only recently on re-saving that the issue has come to light. It's been a few weeks since I put the content in and a lot has happened development wise since. Of course, it may be the re-saving which is the issue...
I will test
$config['modules']['pages'] = array( 'sanitize_input param' => array('template','php'), 'hidden' => TRUE // we don't want this showing under modules );
This appears to work, but feels like a hack! is there a more appropriate way of doing this?