CKEdtitor Alignment buttons

edited March 2014 in Modules
I'm having trouble getting this to work. In the MY_fuel.php config file for version 1.0.. I'm editing the ck_editor_settings and I've added 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', and 'JustifyRight'... none of these are showing up. Any advice?

$config['ck_editor_settings'] = "{
contentsCss: '/assets/css/main.css',
htmlEncodeOutput: false,
entities: false,
bodyClass: 'ckeditor',
protectedSource: [/\{fuel_\w+\(.+\)\}/g, /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g],
toolbarCanCollapse: false,
extraPlugins: 'fuellink,fuelimage',
removePlugins: 'link,image'
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