Change positioning of forms?

edited February 2014 in Modules
I've added additional forms to my model using the $has_many array and template form builder.

How can I change the position of these forms on the page? Currently they are placed at the bottom of the page after all my database fields


  • edited 2:36PM
    There is an "order" parameter you can add to your fields with 1 being the top most. You can use decimals too (e.g. 1.5)
  • edited February 2014
    Thank you. This works with my template fields but not my has_many field - it no longer displays correctly

    public $has_many = array('genres' => 'genres_model');
    $fields['genres'] = array('order' => 2);
  • edited 2:36PM
    You need to add to the array and not overwrite:
    $fields['genres']['order'] = 2;
  • edited 2:36PM
    Perfect, thank you
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