Toggle custom enum with 3 or more options

edited February 2014 in Modules
Hi, is there a way to toggle an enum field with 3 or more options?

For example, my field in one table is:

`status` enum('active', 'standby', 'rejected') NOT NULL,

In my module fuel where I'm using that table I want to change its value without the edit option. If I click change from active to standby, other click, to rejected, other click to active, Just like active and published works, is there a way to do that?


  • edited 7:31PM
    There currently is not. It is just for when there are 2 values to toggle between.
  • edited 7:31PM
    Not sure if this feature was requested.. but was this ever implemented? Can't seem to find anything from fuelcms docs. Obviously, enum wouldn't be the right type for 3+ options.. perhaps a dropdown?
  • edited 7:31PM
    This has not been implemented. If you have 2 options, you can specify a boolean property on your model to have the toggle feature in the list view:
    public $boolean_fields = array('my_prop');
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