Creating a read only/custom admin page.

edited February 2014 in Modules
Essentially, I want to have a custom module that displays the records without being editable, but also have custom content in a records page. So, let's say one of the fields contains serialize data which I would then want to process and display in a custom styled template within the admin area. Is that possible?


  • edited 6:59PM
    I'm not quite sure I follow but will give it a shot. If you are creating a simple module, you can make a module display only by setting the "displayonly" property on the MY_fuel_modules.php for your module which will make all the values display only. There are a number of other configuration properties that may help as well:

    If none of those quite fit what you need, you can always create an "advanced" module which can have your own models, views and controllers:
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