Where to find Search Module and How to Install it?

edited January 2014 in News & Announcements
I looked over the forum and google around and found that the search module does exist here:

But I am not sure how to install it as the intructions seems not valid. I see the following message when i try to install the search module with CLI on Mac

>>There was an error installing the 'search' module.

I downloaded the zip from GIT and install under "fuel/modules/search" per the instruction. I am stucked. Please help.

Thank you


  • edited 12:51AM
    The installer for the search module doesn't do much other then add "search" to the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php $config['modules_allowed'] parameter and adds a search permission in the database which can be added in the CMS through the Permissions module. You could try that to get it enabled.

    However, I'm curious as to why you are getting that error. That error is thrown on line 63 of the fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/installer.php file when the fuel/modules/search/libraries/Fuel_search.php file is not found. Would you mind checking the output of the $module_file variable to make sure it matches a valid path on your system? Also, what is your development setup (MAMP, XAMP, etc).
  • edited February 2014
    I'm having a similar problem with the validate module. I'm using MAMP. Without using "sudo" I got the error that Anunay mentioned, but after using sudo I'm getting a database error:

    A Database Error Occurred

    Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.

    Filename: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/fueldemo/fuel/modules/fuel/core/Loader.php

    Line Number: 136

    I am able to log into the fuel admin section of the site though so the DB connection properties in config/database.php must be correct.

    Where does core/Loader.php get it's database connection parameters from?

    Any thoughts?
  • edited 12:51AM
    Hi There,

    I went through and created a model and never installed the search module and that solved my issue. You can find the model code here. Hope this is useful to you:


    I have referenced the code from here:

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