CMS 1.0 hickups + newbie challenge

edited September 2013 in Bug Reports
I am new to FUEL but FUEL+CODEIGNITOR is what i was looking for. I had started with 9x version but found the 1.0 beta to be more updated with features that I needed like somewhat latest version of ckeditor etc.

Following are the bugs I have encountered in latest github pulls that I used.

1. Profiler when enabled is giving me following error
[code]fuel/application//config/profiler.php does not contain a valid config array[/code]

2. I enabled ShowBlock and Save plugin/button in ckeditor but these are not showing up


  • edited 7:37PM
    1. For the profiler to work, you need to add a profiler config array:

    2. There is a $config["ck_editor_settings"] in the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php file that has additional settings for CKEditor including which plugins to include. Is that where you made your changes?
  • edited 7:37PM
    Yeap and this is what I have in there:

    $config['ck_editor_settings'] = "{
    { name: 'document', items : [ 'Source','-','Save','NewPage','DocProps','Preview','Print','-','Templates' ] },
    { name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
    { name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
    { name: 'forms', items : [ 'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField' ] },
    { name: 'styles', items : [ 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize' ] },
    { name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
    { name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks' ] },
    { name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
    { name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
    { name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] },
    { name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak' ] },
    contentsCss: '".WEB_PATH."assets/css/core.css',
    startupOutlineBlocks: true,
    htmlEncodeOutput: false,
    entities: true,
    bodyClass: 'ckeditor',
    protectedSource: [/\{fuel_\w+\(.+\)\}/g, /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g],
    toolbarCanCollapse: true,
    extraPlugins: 'fuellink,fuelimage',
    removePlugins: 'link,image'
  • edited 7:37PM
    Try adding them to the "extraPlugins" area. Note that there are 2 we are using already for links and images.
  • edited 7:37PM
    adding Save and ShowBlocks to extraPlugins did not work and infact the textarea field disappeared. I will keep experimenting but if you come with another idea let me know.
  • edited 7:37PM
    I just downloaded the zip file here:

    And added it to:

    And it seemed to work with this configuration you had plus the addition to the extraPlugins:

    $config['ck_editor_settings'] = "{ toolbar:[ { name: 'document', items : [ 'Source','-','Save','NewPage','DocProps','Preview','Print','-','Templates' ] }, { name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] }, { name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] }, { name: 'forms', items : [ 'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField' ] }, { name: 'styles', items : [ 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize' ] }, { name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] }, { name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks' ] }, '/', { name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] }, { name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] }, { name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] }, { name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak' ] }, ], contentsCss: '".WEB_PATH."assets/css/core.css', startupOutlineBlocks: true, htmlEncodeOutput: false, entities: true, bodyClass: 'ckeditor', protectedSource: [/\{fuel_\w+\(.+\)\}/g, /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g], toolbarCanCollapse: true, extraPlugins: 'fuellink,fuelimage,showblocks', removePlugins: 'link,image' }";
  • edited 7:37PM
    wow thanks - i think the only think i did wrong was the case sensitive part of the extra plugin, so i saved it as ShowBlocks instead of showblocks.
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