Hello everyone. Even though I'm somewhat familiar with MVC (Zend in particular), I'm still somewhat a novice in setting things up. I'm sure I have my Fuel files in the right location. When I type in the domain name "
http://domain", it tries to go to "
http://domain/dashboard" where it says that it isn't found. I'm sure it has something to do with routing. Can someone please advise? Thanks
If you are having trouble with that, make sure that the admin is enabled in the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php file (as per the installation instructions) and that you have .htaccess working. One way to check without .htaccess is to include the index.php bootstrap file in the path like so:
Here is my directory setup.
/projectname (http://projectname)
/application (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/codeigniter (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/crons (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/data_backup (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/install (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/licenses (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
/modules (and all the files that came in this folder with fuel)
I already setup the database. Admin is enabled already with $config['admin_enabled'] set to TRUE in the config file in 'application/config'. Initially, I had all of those folders outside of 'fuel' and in 'projectname' directory. I didn't even had a fuel directory. So then it tried to take me to 'domain/dashboard' whenever I typed in the local domain name. Now that everything is in 'fuel' directory, I just get a 403 forbidden error.
I'm just trying to set everything up. I'm not exactly sure on how to do that and I'm following the instructions best I can so far.
Normal site is at
If in a subfolder, you'll need to modify the .htaccess RewriteBase value.
The only other question I have is if it's possible to also have a social network api fully integrated with my CodeIgniter installation while I have Fuel cms? Are there any specific social networking api's you recommend that will run parallel with fuel and not interfere with anything?
We have an advanced module for Campaign Monitor (that can be placed in your fuel/modules/ folder), that may give you an example as to how to code using an API.
Everything was working fine and I created my first page in the fuel admin panel. Then I noticed that I didn't have mod_rewrite enabled on the apache server. So I enabled it through my Linux terminal and now "domain.com/fuel/dashboard" doesn't show (404 not found error). The page I created is still there but I can't get back to the admin panel.
1. .htaccess is not properly setup for your web directory (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/htaccess.html)
2. The mod_rewrite apache module isn't installed (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html)
3. The RewriteBase value in the .htaccess need to be set to the folder on your webs server that you FUEL installation exists in. By default it is set to the root directory of your web server ("/").
I followed the instructions you laid out. The only issue is that I "didn't" have the mod_rewrite module installed before I created a local version of the site on LAMP. So I installed the module (sudo a2enmod rewrite), changed the .htaccess commands to the same commands I have in the .htaccess file on WAMP (not sure how I had them different), and I restarted apache2 and I still get the same issue (http://site/fuel/dashboard 404 not found).
So I decided to use Git for version control to push my changes live. Now the live site is on a shared hosting account. I confirmed with the hosting company that mod_rewrite was enabled. The live site is here http://zeeksportfolio.com/craftandmill. So after I pushed the local files to the live site, I got 404 errors with http://zeeksportfolio.com/craftandmill/about and had to edit the config file to include "index.php". So now it's ".../index.php/about".
I use the same configuration file on both setups "shared hosting/live" and "local/WAMP".
Just wanted to tell you that it is solved.
I found that when you are creating a site using Fuel CMS in a subfolder, then you need to specify that subfolder name in the main .htaccess file.
So this line: RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 [L]
Should be this line: RewriteRule .* /subfolder/index.php/$0 [L]
To access "http://domain.com/subfolder/fuel/dashboard"