Adding a language to the fuel cms and models
Hi All,
Today and yesterday I made some additions to the github languages (
Adding a folder 'dutch' into the language folder and translating it, setting the language of the user to Dutch will work for the Fuel CMS part.
But for some reason, if I translate other modules, like user_guide, backup, seo etc it doesn't work. They keep in English. Why do these tools don't look for the Dutch translation folder?
I'm using FUEL CMS 0.9.3.
Peter Driessen
If I set up a Dutch and English file, and I change the English one (while having dutch as my language) I can see the changes then. So I'm pretty sure the modules don't make use of the Dutch translations. I will add all of my translations to github tomorrow, so you can check it out maybe.
1. Went to MY_fuel.php and commented out all the modules except for the backup module.
2. Went to the fuel/modules/backup/language/ folder and duplicated the english folder.
3. Went into the newly created dutch folder and changed the $config['module_backup'] to something different in the backup_lang.php.
4. Refreshed the page to note that the menu item under TOOLS > Backup was changed to the new name.
Do those steps not work for you?
If I change the 'dutch' folder to 'dutch-1' for example. Then there will be no name (like Backup) visible. If I change it back to dutch, 'backup' is visible again... Changing $config['module_backup'] in the dutch file does not have any effect. Changing the $config['module_backup']in english does have effect.
It seems it will look at the dutch folder, but somehow the English folder overrides it.
If I change the english folder to english-1 for example, I get the message: Unable to load the requested language file: language/english/backup_lang.php. While my user language is set to Dutch... this shouldn't happen.
Or are there other variables which I have to set to Dutch?
Though a little bit weird I have to change it on two places. I thought FUEL would override the CI language config.
I did find an issue if you are changing the language for the user there. I uploaded a fix for it under the 1.0 branch though.
As a side note, have you tested it out in 1.0?
I've downloaded and installed 1.0. I copied the other modules then FUEL into 1.0 and the translations seems to work now. Next thing for me to do is to change the language file again, as their are differences between 1.0 and 0.9.3.
Thanks for your help, it seems to be resolved in 1.0
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